FFCH – basis15 for CHANGE
basis15 invited FILMING FOR CHANGE to make a film-workshop with the participants of the congress.
in the first workshop part in the morning the students created the idea and made a plan and in the second workshop part in the afternoon we made the film.
The team of FILMING FOR CHANGE assisted the partcipants in the process.
more infos on workshops:
1. „Trouba“ von Steve Gunn (http://steve-gunn.com/)
2. „Ghost Dance“ von Kevin MacLeod (http://incompetech.com)
3. „Bughici – Suite for Violin, 8 Ardeleneasca, moderato“ von Advent Chamber Orchestra (http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Advent_Chamber_Orchestra/Selections_from_the_November_2006_Concert/Advent_Chamber_Orchestra_-_08_-_Bughici_-_Suite_for_Violin_8_Ardeleneasca_moderato)